
Flamplificateur - L'allégeance de Ravnica


Impression française

  • Flamplificateur
  • Créature : élémental
  • Au début de votre entretien, révélez les cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque jusqu'à ce que vous révéliez une carte de créature. Jusqu'à votre prochain tour, la force de base du Flamplificateur devient égale au double de la force de cette carte et son endurance de base devient égale au double de l'endurance de cette carte. Mettez les cartes révélées au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.
  • 1/1

Impression anglaise

  • Amplifire
  • Creature — Elemental
  • At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card. Until your next turn, Amplifire's base power becomes twice that card's power and its base toughness becomes twice that card's toughness. Put the revealed cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.
  • 1/1


  • Amplifire
  • Creature — Elemental
  • At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card. Until your next turn, Amplifire's base power becomes twice that card's power and its base toughness becomes twice that card's toughness. Put the revealed cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.
  • 1/1


  • Amplifire will be a 1/1 creature from the time your untap step begins until the time its triggered ability resolves during your upkeep. [0000-00-00]
  • Any effects that modify Amplifire’s power and/or toughness without setting them to a specific number or value will apply after its base power and toughness are set, regardless of the order in which those effects were created. The same is true of counters that modify its power and toughness. [0000-00-00]
  • If you reveal your entire library and don’t reveal a creature card, Amplifire becomes a 0/0 creature and you put your library back in a random order. [0000-00-00]


  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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