Liste des cartes
Seq Rareté Nom (VO) Nom (VF) Coût Type
1 Morningtide (Commune) Ballyrush Banneret Banneret de Sacrejonc 1w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
2 Morningtide (Rare) Battletide Alchemist Alchimiste ebbecombat 3ww Creature - Kithkin Cleric
3 Morningtide (Commune) Burrenton Bombardier Bombardier de Burrenton 2w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
4 Morningtide (Commune) Burrenton Shield-Bearers Porteurs de bouclier de Burrenton 4w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
5 Morningtide (Peu commune) Cenn's Tactician Tacticienne du cenn w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
6 Morningtide (Commune) Changeling Sentinel Sentinelle changeline 3w Creature - Shapeshifter
7 Morningtide (Commune) Coordinated Barrage Obstruction coordonnée w Instant
8 Morningtide (Peu commune) Daily Regimen Régime quotidien w Enchantment - Aura
9 Morningtide (Rare) Feudkiller's Verdict Verdict de Tuquerelle 4ww Tribal Sorcery - Giant
10 Morningtide (Commune) Forfend Préservation 1w Instant
11 Morningtide (Peu commune) Graceful Reprieve Sursis gracieux 1w Instant
12 Morningtide (Rare) Idyllic Tutor Précepteur idyllique 2w Sorcery
13 Morningtide (Rare) Indomitable Ancients Anciens indomptables 2ww Creature - Treefolk Warrior
14 Morningtide (Rare) Kinsbaile Borderguard Garde frontière de Kinsbayel 1ww Creature - Kithkin Soldier
15 Morningtide (Rare) Kinsbaile Cavalier Cavalier de Kinsbayel 3w Creature - Kithkin Knight
16 Morningtide (Commune) Kithkin Zephyrnaut Zéphyrnaute sangami 2w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
17 Morningtide (Peu commune) Meadowboon Grâceprairie 2ww Creature - Elemental
18 Morningtide (Commune) Mosquito Guard Garde moustique w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
19 Morningtide (Commune) Order of the Golden Cricket Ordre du Criquet d'or 1w Creature - Kithkin Knight
20 Morningtide (Rare) Preeminent Captain Capitaine prééminent 2w Creature - Kithkin Soldier
21 Morningtide (Peu commune) Redeem the Lost Rédemption des égarés 1w Instant
22 Morningtide (Rare) Reveillark Sirlidiane 4w Creature - Elemental
23 Morningtide (Commune) Shinewend Déambrille 1w Creature - Elemental
24 Morningtide (Rare) Stonehewer Giant Géant tailleur de pierre 3ww Creature - Giant Warrior
25 Morningtide (Commune) Stonybrook Schoolmaster Maître du banc de Pierreruisseau 2w Creature - Merfolk Wizard
26 Morningtide (Peu commune) Swell of Courage Houle de courage 3ww Instant
27 Morningtide (Peu commune) Wandering Graybeard Grisebarbe vagabond 3ww Creature - Giant Wizard
28 Morningtide (Commune) Weight of Conscience Poids de la conscience 1w Enchantment - Aura
29 Morningtide (Rare) Declaration of Naught Déclaration du néant uu Enchantment
30 Morningtide (Commune) Dewdrop Spy Espionne perle de rosée 1uu Creature - Faerie Rogue
31 Morningtide (Commune) Disperse Dispersion 1u Instant
32 Morningtide (Commune) Distant Melody Mélodie lointaine 3u Sorcery
33 Morningtide (Commune) Fencer Clique Clique d'escrimeurs 2uu Creature - Faerie Soldier
34 Morningtide (Commune) Floodchaser Chasseflot 5u Creature - Elemental
35 Morningtide (Rare) Grimoire Thief Voleur de grimoire uu Creature - Merfolk Rogue
36 Morningtide (Commune) Ink Dissolver Dissolveur d'encre 1u Creature - Merfolk Wizard
37 Morningtide (Peu commune) Inspired Sprite Farfadette inspirée 3u Creature - Faerie Wizard
38 Morningtide (Rare) Knowledge Exploitation Exploitation de connaissance 5uu Tribal Sorcery - Rogue
39 Morningtide (Commune) Latchkey Faerie Faerie rossignol 3u Creature - Faerie Rogue
40 Morningtide (Commune) Merrow Witsniper Tireuse d'âme suire u Creature - Merfolk Rogue
41 Morningtide (Rare) Mind Spring Source spirituelle xuu Sorcery
42 Morningtide (Commune) Mothdust Changeling Changelin pruinephalène u Creature - Shapeshifter
43 Morningtide (Commune) Negate Négation 1u Instant
44 Morningtide (Peu commune) Nevermaker Fabronques 3u Creature - Elemental
45 Morningtide (Rare) Notorious Throng Cohue notoire 3u Tribal Sorcery - Rogue
46 Morningtide (Peu commune) Research the Deep Recherche dans les profondeurs 1u Sorcery
47 Morningtide (Peu commune) Sage of Fables Sage des fables 2u Creature - Merfolk Wizard
48 Morningtide (Peu commune) Sage's Dousing Aspersion du sage 2u Tribal Instant - Wizard
49 Morningtide (Rare) Sigil Tracer Traceuse de sceau 1uu Creature - Merfolk Wizard
50 Morningtide (Rare) Slithermuse Rampemuse 2uu Creature - Elemental
51 Morningtide (Commune) Stonybrook Banneret Bannerette de Pierreruisseau 1u Creature - Merfolk Wizard
52 Morningtide (Commune) Stream of Unconsciousness Source d'inconscience u Tribal Instant - Wizard
53 Morningtide (Rare) Supreme Exemplar Exemplaire suprême 6u Creature - Elemental
54 Morningtide (Peu commune) Thieves' Fortune Fortune des voleurs 2u Tribal Instant - Rogue
55 Morningtide (Rare) Vendilion Clique Clique Vendilion 1uu Legendary Creature - Faerie Wizard
56 Morningtide (Peu commune) Waterspout Weavers Tisseuses de trombes 3uu Creature - Merfolk Wizard
57 Morningtide (Rare) Auntie's Snitch Mouchard de Tantine 2b Creature - Goblin Rogue
58 Morningtide (Rare) Bitterblossom Âpre fleur 1b Tribal Enchantment - Faerie
59 Morningtide (Commune) Blightsoil Druid Druide flétriglèbe 1b Creature - Elf Druid
60 Morningtide (Rare) Earwig Squad Escouade de perce-oreilles 3bb Creature - Goblin Rogue
61 Morningtide (Rare) Fendeep Summoner Invocateur des bas-fonds 4b Creature - Treefolk Shaman
62 Morningtide (Commune) Festercreep Fouitrescence 1b Creature - Elemental
63 Morningtide (Commune) Final-Sting Faerie Faerie au dard ultime 3b Creature - Faerie Assassin
64 Morningtide (Commune) Frogtosser Banneret Banneret de Lancegrenouille 1b Creature - Goblin Rogue
65 Morningtide (Rare) Maralen of the Mornsong Maralen des Chantematins 1bb Legendary Creature - Elf Wizard
66 Morningtide (Rare) Mind Shatter Fracassement cérébral xbb Sorcery
67 Morningtide (Commune) Moonglove Changeling Changelin de digitale lunaire 2b Creature - Shapeshifter
68 Morningtide (Commune) Morsel Theft Vol de bouffe 2bb Tribal Sorcery - Rogue
69 Morningtide (Peu commune) Nightshade Schemers Intriguants de la belladone 4b Creature - Faerie Wizard
70 Morningtide (Peu commune) Noggin Whack Et pan dans la tronche ! 2bb Tribal Sorcery - Rogue
71 Morningtide (Peu commune) Offalsnout Hurebut 2b Creature - Elemental
72 Morningtide (Peu commune) Oona's Blackguard Garde noire d'Oona 1b Creature - Faerie Rogue
73 Morningtide (Commune) Pack's Disdain Dédain de la meute 1b Instant
74 Morningtide (Commune) Prickly Boggart Boggart piquant b Creature - Goblin Rogue
75 Morningtide (Commune) Pulling Teeth Arrachage de dents 1b Sorcery
76 Morningtide (Peu commune) Revive the Fallen Ravivement des déchus 1b Sorcery
77 Morningtide (Rare) Scarblade Elite Élite estafilame bb Creature - Elf Assassin
78 Morningtide (Commune) Squeaking Pie Grubfellows Familarviers de Tourtecouine 3b Creature - Goblin Shaman
79 Morningtide (Rare) Stenchskipper Puesaut 3b Creature - Elemental
80 Morningtide (Peu commune) Stinkdrinker Bandit Bandit de Puelasoif 3b Creature - Goblin Rogue
81 Morningtide (Commune) Violet Pall Voile violet 4b Tribal Instant - Faerie
82 Morningtide (Peu commune) Warren Weirding Déterminisme du terrier 1b Tribal Sorcery - Goblin
83 Morningtide (Commune) Weed-Pruner Poplar Peuplier émondoir 4b Creature - Treefolk Assassin
84 Morningtide (Rare) Weirding Shaman Shamane déterministe 1b Creature - Goblin Shaman
85 Morningtide (Rare) Boldwyr Heavyweights Poids-lourds boldwyriens 2rr Creature - Giant Warrior
86 Morningtide (Peu commune) Boldwyr Intimidator Intimidateur boldwyrien 5rr Creature - Giant Warrior
87 Morningtide (Rare) Borderland Behemoth Béhémoth des frontières 5rr Creature - Giant Warrior
88 Morningtide (Commune) Brighthearth Banneret Banneret des Clairâtres 1r Creature - Elemental Warrior
89 Morningtide (Rare) Countryside Crusher Écrabouilleur de campagne 1rr Creature - Giant Warrior
90 Morningtide (Commune) Fire Juggler Jongleur de feu 2r Creature - Goblin Shaman
91 Morningtide (Commune) Hostile Realm Royaume hostile 2r Enchantment - Aura
92 Morningtide (Commune) Kindled Fury Fureur embrasée r Instant
93 Morningtide (Rare) Lightning Crafter Façonneur d'éclairs 3r Creature - Goblin Shaman
94 Morningtide (Commune) Lunk Errant Balourd errant 5r Creature - Giant Warrior
95 Morningtide (Commune) Mudbutton Clanger Tapageur de Baugebouton r Creature - Goblin Warrior
96 Morningtide (Peu commune) Pyroclast Consul Consul pyroclaste 3rr Creature - Elemental Shaman
97 Morningtide (Peu commune) Rage Forger Forgeur de rage 2r Creature - Elemental Shaman
98 Morningtide (Peu commune) Release the Ants Lâcher de fourmis 1r Instant
99 Morningtide (Peu commune) Rivals' Duel Duel entre rivaux 3r Sorcery
100 Morningtide (Commune) Roar of the Crowd Rugissement de foule 3r Sorcery
101 Morningtide (Commune) Seething Pathblazer Défricheur bouillonnant 2r Creature - Elemental Warrior
102 Morningtide (Rare) Sensation Gorger Avaleur de sensations 1rr Creature - Goblin Shaman
103 Morningtide (Commune) Shard Volley Volée d'échardes r Instant
104 Morningtide (Rare) Shared Animosity Animosité partagée 2r Enchantment
105 Morningtide (Peu commune) Spitebellows Soufflaigreur 5r Creature - Elemental
106 Morningtide (Commune) Stingmoggie Dardminon 3r Creature - Elemental
107 Morningtide (Peu commune) Stomping Slabs Dalles pilonnantes 2r Sorcery
108 Morningtide (Commune) Sunflare Shaman Shamane solaire flamboyante 1r Creature - Elemental Shaman
109 Morningtide (Rare) Taurean Mauler Meurtrisseur du taureau 2r Creature - Shapeshifter
110 Morningtide (Rare) Titan's Revenge Revanche du titan xrr Sorcery
111 Morningtide (Rare) Vengeful Firebrand Brandon vengeur 3r Creature - Elemental Warrior
112 Morningtide (Commune) War-Spike Changeling Changelin pointeguerre 3r Creature - Shapeshifter
113 Morningtide (Commune) Ambassador Oak Ambassadeur chêne 3g Creature - Treefolk Warrior
114 Morningtide (Commune) Bosk Banneret Banneret du bosquet 1g Creature - Treefolk Shaman
115 Morningtide (Peu commune) Bramblewood Paragon Parangon de boisronce 1g Creature - Elf Warrior
116 Morningtide (Rare) Chameleon Colossus Colosse caméléon 2gg Creature - Shapeshifter
117 Morningtide (Rare) Cream of the Crop Le meilleur de la cueillette 1g Enchantment
118 Morningtide (Commune) Deglamer Abolition d'illusion 1g Instant
119 Morningtide (Commune) Earthbrawn Force terrestre 1g Instant
120 Morningtide (Commune) Elvish Warrior Guerrier elfe gg Creature - Elf Warrior
121 Morningtide (Commune) Everbark Shaman Shamane de l'écorce éternelle 4g Creature - Treefolk Shaman
122 Morningtide (Commune) Fertilid Fertilide 2g Creature - Elemental
123 Morningtide (Commune) Game-Trail Changeling Changelin piste-gibier 3gg Creature - Shapeshifter
124 Morningtide (Rare) Gilt-Leaf Archdruid Archidruide de Feuilledor 3gg Creature - Elf Druid
125 Morningtide (Rare) Greatbow Doyen Doyen au grand arc 4g Creature - Elf Archer
126 Morningtide (Peu commune) Heritage Druid Druidesse de l'héritage g Creature - Elf Druid
127 Morningtide (Peu commune) Hunting Triad Triade chasseresse 3g Tribal Sorcery - Elf
128 Morningtide (Rare) Leaf-Crowned Elder Doyen à couronne de feuilles 2gg Creature - Treefolk Shaman
129 Morningtide (Commune) Luminescent Rain Pluie luminescente 2g Instant
130 Morningtide (Commune) Lys Alana Bowmaster Maître d'arc de Lys Alana 2g Creature - Elf Archer
131 Morningtide (Peu commune) Orchard Warden Garde du verger 4gg Creature - Treefolk Shaman
132 Morningtide (Rare) Reach of Branches Portée des branches 4g Tribal Instant - Treefolk
133 Morningtide (Peu commune) Recross the Paths Entrelacs des chemins 2g Sorcery
134 Morningtide (Commune) Reins of the Vinesteed Rênes de la monturlierre 3g Enchantment - Aura
135 Morningtide (Rare) Rhys the Exiled Rhys l'Exilé 2g Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
136 Morningtide (Rare) Scapeshift Changelieu 2gg Sorcery
137 Morningtide (Rare) Unstoppable Ash Frêne imbattable 3g Creature - Treefolk Warrior
138 Morningtide (Peu commune) Walker of the Grove Marcheur du bosquet 6gg Creature - Elemental
139 Morningtide (Commune) Winnower Patrol Patrouille de vanneurs 2g Creature - Elf Warrior
140 Morningtide (Peu commune) Wolf-Skull Shaman Shamane au crâne de loup 1g Creature - Elf Shaman
141 Morningtide (Peu commune) Cloak and Dagger La cape et la dague 2 Tribal Artifact - Rogue Equipment
142 Morningtide (Peu commune) Diviner's Wand Baguette du devineur 3 Tribal Artifact - Wizard Equipment
143 Morningtide (Rare) Door of Destinies Porte des Destinées 4 Artifact
144 Morningtide (Peu commune) Obsidian Battle-Axe Hache de bataille d'obsidienne 3 Tribal Artifact - Warrior Equipment
145 Morningtide (Peu commune) Thornbite Staff Bâton mordépine 2 Tribal Artifact - Shaman Equipment
146 Morningtide (Peu commune) Veteran's Armaments Barda du vétéran 2 Tribal Artifact - Soldier Equipment
147 Morningtide (Rare) Murmuring Bosk Bosquet bruissant Land - Forest
148 Morningtide (Rare) Mutavault Mutecaveau Land
149 Morningtide (Rare) Primal Beyond Au-delà primordial Land
150 Morningtide (Rare) Rustic Clachan Clachan campagnard Land