
Animation des morts - Meurtres au Manoir Karlov Commander

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Animation des morts - Meurtres au Manoir Karlov Commander (Peu commune) Animate Dead - Eternal Masters (Peu commune) Animate Dead - Premium Deck Series: Graveborn (Peu commune) Animation des morts - 5ième Edition (Peu commune) Animation des morts - 4ième Edition (Peu commune) Animation des morts - 3ième Edition (non limitée) (Peu commune) Animate Dead - Unlimited Edition (Peu commune) Animate Dead - Limited Edition Beta (Peu commune) Animate Dead - Limited Edition Alpha (Peu commune)


Impression française

  • Animation des morts
  • Enchantement : aura
  • Enchanter : carte de créature dans un cimetière
    Quand l'Animation des morts arrive sur le champ de bataille, si elle est sur le champ de bataille, elle perd « Enchanter : carte de créature dans un cimetière » et acquiert « Enchanter : créature mise sur le champ de bataille avec l'Animation des morts ». Renvoyez sur le champ de bataille, sous votre contrôle, la carte de créature enchantée et attachez-lui l'Animation des morts. Quand l'Animation des morts quitte le champ de bataille, le contrôleur de cette créature la sacrifie.
    La créature enchantée gagne -1/-0.

Impression anglaise

  • Animate Dead
  • Enchantment — Aura
  • Enchant creature card in a graveyard
    When Animate Dead enters the battlefield, if it's on the battlefield, it loses "enchant creature card in a graveyard" and gains "enchant creature put onto the battlefield with Animate Dead." Return enchanted creature card to the battlefield under your control and attach Animate Dead to it. When Animate Dead leaves the battlefield, that creature's controller sacrifices it.
    Enchanted creature gets -1/-0.


  • Animate Dead
  • Enchantment - Aura
  • Enchant creature card in a graveyard
    When Animate Dead enters the battlefield, if it's on the battlefield, it loses "enchant creature card in a graveyard" and gains "enchant creature put onto the battlefield with Animate Dead." Return enchanted creature card to the battlefield under your control and attach Animate Dead to it. When Animate Dead leaves the battlefield, that creature's controller sacrifices it.
    Enchanted creature gets -1/-0.


  • When putting a card onto the battlefield that requires a definition for its value or some other choice, you do what is needed to define the value or make the choice. [2004-10-04]
  • This is a new wording. Animate Dead is now an Aura. You target a creature card in a graveyard when you cast it. It enters the battlefield attached to that card. Then it returns that card to the battlefield, and attaches itself to that card again (since the card is treated as a new object on the battlefield). [2007-09-16]
  • Once the creature is returned to the battlefield, Animate Dead can't be attached to anything other than it (unless Animate Dead somehow manages to put a different creature onto the battlefield). Attempting to move Animate Dead to another creature won't work. [2007-09-16]
  • If the creature card put onto the battlefield has Protection from Black (or anything that prevents this from legally being attached), this won’t be able to attach to it. Then this will go to the graveyard as a State-Based Action, causing the creature to be sacrificed. This is a change from recent functionality. [2008-04-01]
  • A "creature card" is any card with the type Creature, even if it has other types such as Artifact, Enchantment, or Land. Older cards of type Summon are also Creature cards. [2008-04-01]


  • NM/MT : ~2,00 € Cote en augmentation
  • Premium : ~13.00 € Cote en augmentation


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