1 |
Allay |
Apaisement |
Instant |
2 |
Angelic Blessing |
Bénédiction angélique |
Sorcery |
3 |
Cataclysm |
Cataclysme |
Sorcery |
4 |
Charging Paladin |
Paladin fougueux |
Creature - Human Knight |
5 |
Convalescence |
Convalescence |
Enchantment |
6 |
Exalted Dragon |
Dragon exalté |
Creature - Dragon |
7 |
High Ground |
Terrain élevé |
Enchantment |
8 |
Keeper of the Light |
Gardienne de la lumière |
Creature - Human Wizard |
9 |
Kor Chant |
Cantique kor |
Instant |
10 |
Limited Resources |
Ressources limitées |
Enchantment |
11 |
Oath of Lieges |
Serment des hommes liges |
Enchantment |
12 |
Paladin en-Vec |
Paladin en-Vec |
Creature - Human Knight |
13 |
Peace of Mind |
Paix de l'esprit |
Enchantment |
14 |
Pegasus Stampede |
Ruée de pégases |
Sorcery |
15 |
Penance |
Pénitence |
Enchantment |
16 |
Reaping the Rewards |
Vivre sur le pays |
Instant |
17 |
Reconnaissance |
Reconnaissance |
Enchantment |
18 |
Shackles |
Entraves |
Enchantment - Aura |
19 |
Shield Mate |
Compagnon de bouclier |
Creature - Human Soldier |
20 |
Soltari Visionary |
Soltari visionnaire |
Creature - Soltari Cleric |
21 |
Soul Warden |
Garde des âmes |
Creature - Human Cleric |
22 |
Standing Troops |
Troupes régulières |
Creature - Human Soldier |
23 |
Treasure Hunter |
Chasseur de trésor |
Creature - Human |
24 |
Wall of Nets |
Mur de filets |
Creature - Wall |
25 |
Welkin Hawk |
Faucon des cieux |
Creature - Bird |
26 |
Zealots en-Dal |
Zélateurs en-Dal |
Creature - Human Soldier |
27 |
Aether Tide |
Marée d'Aether |
Sorcery |
28 |
Cunning |
Ruse |
Enchantment - Aura |
29 |
Curiosity |
Curiosité |
Enchantment - Aura |
30 |
Dominating Licid |
Litique dominateur |
Creature - Licid |
31 |
Ephemeron |
éphéméroptère |
Creature - Illusion |
32 |
Equilibrium |
Équilibre |
Enchantment |
33 |
Ertai, Wizard Adept |
Ertaï, expert sorcier |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
34 |
Fade Away |
Disparition progressive |
Sorcery |
35 |
Forbid |
Interdit |
Instant |
36 |
Keeper of the Mind |
Gardienne de l'esprit |
Creature - Human Wizard |
37 |
Killer Whale |
Baleine tueuse |
Creature - Whale |
38 |
Mana Breach |
Brèche de mana |
Enchantment |
39 |
Merfolk Looter |
Détrousseur ondin |
Creature - Merfolk Rogue |
40 |
Mind Over Matter |
L'esprit dépasse la matière |
Enchantment |
41 |
Mirozel |
Mirozel |
Creature - Illusion |
42 |
Oath of Scholars |
Serment des érudits |
Enchantment |
43 |
Robe of Mirrors |
Robe de miroirs |
Enchantment - Aura |
44 |
Rootwater Mystic |
Mystique de Souchemer |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
45 |
School of Piranha |
Banc de piranhas |
Creature - Fish |
46 |
Scrivener |
Scribouillard |
Creature - Human Wizard |
47 |
Thalakos Drifters |
Vagabonds thalakos |
Creature - Thalakos |
48 |
Thalakos Scout |
éclaireur thalakos |
Creature - Thalakos Soldier Scout |
49 |
Theft of Dreams |
Détournement des rêves |
Sorcery |
50 |
Treasure Trove |
Caverne au trésor |
Enchantment |
51 |
Wayward Soul |
Âme rétive |
Creature - Spirit |
52 |
Whiptongue Frog |
Grenouille à langue de fouet |
Creature - Frog |
53 |
Carnophage |
Créophage |
Creature - Zombie |
54 |
Cat Burglar |
Monte-en-l'air |
Creature - Kor Rogue Minion |
55 |
Culling the Weak |
Sacrifice des faibles |
Instant |
56 |
Cursed Flesh |
Chair maudite |
Enchantment - Aura |
57 |
Dauthi Cutthroat |
Coupe-jarret dauthi |
Creature - Dauthi Minion |
58 |
Dauthi Jackal |
Chacal dauthi |
Creature - Dauthi Hound |
59 |
Dauthi Warlord |
Seigneur de guerre dauthi |
Creature - Dauthi Soldier |
60 |
Death's Duet |
Duo macabre |
Sorcery |
61 |
Entropic Specter |
Spectre entropique |
Creature - Specter Spirit |
62 |
Fugue |
Fugue mentale |
Sorcery |
63 |
Grollub |
Grollub |
Creature - Beast |
64 |
Hatred |
Haine |
Instant |
65 |
Keeper of the Dead |
Gardienne des morts |
Creature - Human Wizard |
66 |
Mind Maggots |
Vermine psychophage |
Creature - Insect |
67 |
Nausea |
Nausée |
Sorcery |
68 |
Necrologia |
Nécrosophie |
Instant |
69 |
Oath of Ghouls |
Serment des goules |
Enchantment |
70 |
Pit Spawn |
Engeance de l'Abîme |
Creature - Demon |
71 |
Plaguebearer |
Porteur de peste |
Creature - Zombie |
72 |
Recurring Nightmare |
Cauchemar récurent |
Enchantment |
73 |
Scare Tactics |
Tactique d'intimidation |
Instant |
74 |
Slaughter |
Tuerie |
Instant |
75 |
Spike Cannibal |
épix cannibale |
Creature - Spike |
76 |
Thrull Surgeon |
Chirurgien srâne |
Creature - Thrull |
77 |
Vampire Hounds |
Chiens de chasse vampires |
Creature - Vampire Hound |
78 |
Volrath's Dungeon |
Oubliettes de Wöhlrajh |
Enchantment |
79 |
Anarchist |
Anarchiste |
Creature - Human Wizard |
80 |
Cinder Crawler |
Reptile des cendres |
Creature - Salamander |
81 |
Dizzying Gaze |
Vertige fascinateur |
Enchantment - Aura |
82 |
Fighting Chance |
Chances de victoire |
Instant |
83 |
Flowstone Flood |
Flot de fluipierre |
Sorcery |
84 |
Furnace Brood |
Fils du Fourneau |
Creature - Elemental |
85 |
Keeper of the Flame |
Gardienne de la flamme |
Creature - Human Wizard |
86 |
Mage il-Vec |
Mage il-Vec |
Creature - Human Wizard |
87 |
Maniacal Rage |
Rage démente |
Enchantment - Aura |
88 |
Mogg Assassin |
Assassin mogg |
Creature - Goblin Assassin |
89 |
Monstrous Hound |
Chien monstrueux |
Creature - Hound |
90 |
Oath of Mages |
Serment des mages |
Enchantment |
91 |
Ogre Shaman |
Shamane ogre |
Creature - Ogre Shaman |
92 |
Onslaught |
Assaut |
Enchantment |
93 |
Pandemonium |
Pandémonium |
Enchantment |
94 |
Paroxysm |
Paroxysme |
Enchantment - Aura |
95 |
Price of Progress |
Prix du progrès |
Instant |
96 |
Raging Goblin |
Gobelin enragé |
Creature - Goblin Berserker |
97 |
Ravenous Baboons |
Babouins voraces |
Creature - Ape |
98 |
Reckless Ogre |
Ogre téméraire |
Creature - Ogre |
99 |
Sabertooth Wyvern |
Vouivre à dents de sabre |
Creature - Drake |
100 |
Scalding Salamander |
Salamandre brûlante |
Creature - Salamander |
101 |
Seismic Assault |
Assaut sismique |
Enchantment |
102 |
Shattering Pulse |
Pulsation fracassante |
Instant |
103 |
Sonic Burst |
éclatement sonique |
Instant |
104 |
Spellshock |
Retour de sortilège |
Enchantment |
105 |
Avenging Druid |
Druide vengeur |
Creature - Human Druid |
106 |
Bequeathal |
Hoirie |
Enchantment - Aura |
107 |
Cartographer |
Cartographe |
Creature - Human |
108 |
Crashing Boars |
Déferlante de sangliers |
Creature - Boar |
109 |
Elven Palisade |
Palissade elfique |
Enchantment |
110 |
Elvish Berserker |
Berserker elfe |
Creature - Elf Berserker |
111 |
Jackalope Herd |
Troupeau de léporilopes |
Creature - Rabbit Beast |
112 |
Keeper of the Beasts |
Gardienne des bêtes |
Creature - Human Wizard |
113 |
Manabond |
Lien de mana |
Enchantment |
114 |
Mirri, Cat Warrior |
Mirri, guerrière chat |
Legendary Creature - Cat Warrior |
115 |
Oath of Druids |
Serment des druides |
Enchantment |
116 |
Plated Rootwalla |
Agame à plaques |
Creature - Lizard |
117 |
Predatory Hunger |
Faim prédatrice |
Enchantment - Aura |
118 |
Pygmy Troll |
Troll pygmée |
Creature - Troll |
119 |
Rabid Wolverines |
Gloutons enragés |
Creature - Wolverine |
120 |
Reclaim |
Récupération |
Instant |
121 |
Resuscitate |
Ressusciter |
Instant |
122 |
Rootwater Alligator |
Alligator de Souchemer |
Creature - Crocodile |
123 |
Skyshroud Elite |
élite de Linciel |
Creature - Elf |
124 |
Skyshroud War Beast |
Bête de guerre de linciel |
Creature - Beast |
125 |
Song of Serenity |
Chanson sereine |
Enchantment |
126 |
Spike Hatcher |
épix couveur |
Creature - Spike |
127 |
Spike Rogue |
épix solitaire |
Creature - Spike |
128 |
Spike Weaver |
épix tisseur |
Creature - Spike |
129 |
Survival of the Fittest |
Survie du plus apte |
Enchantment |
130 |
Wood Elves |
Elfe des bois |
Creature - Elf Scout |
131 |
Coat of Arms |
Blason |
Artifact |
132 |
Erratic Portal |
Portail intermittent |
Artifact |
133 |
Medicine Bag |
Sac médecine |
Artifact |
134 |
Memory Crystal |
Cristal-mémoire |
Artifact |
135 |
Mindless Automaton |
Automate abruti |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
136 |
Null Brooch |
Broche de cassation |
Artifact |
137 |
Skyshaper |
Forgeciel |
Artifact |
138 |
Spellbook |
Livre de sorts |
Artifact |
139 |
Sphere of Resistance |
Sphère de résistance |
Artifact |
140 |
Thopter Squadron |
Escadron de mécanoptères |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
141 |
Transmogrifying Licid |
Litique transfigurateur |
Artifact Creature - Licid |
142 |
Workhorse |
Cheval de mana |
Artifact Creature - Horse |
143 |
City of Traitors |
Cité des traîtres |
Land |